9 Top Tips to Prepare for the Procter and Gamble P&G Assessment
Updated November 6, 2024
- What Is the P&G Assessment Test?
- P&G Assessment Test - What Assessments Are There?
- How to Prepare for the P&G Assessment Test in 2025: 9 Key Steps
- After You Have Taken the P&G Assessment Test
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
What Is the P&G Assessment Test?
Procter & Gamble (known as P&G) is an American corporation that specializes in cleaning, health, baby and personal hygiene products.
Founded in 1837, it now employs over 90,000 people worldwide in many positions across more than 150 well-known household brands, such as Pantene, Gillette, Tide, Charmin and Herbal Essences.
When considering applying for a job with P&G, it can be useful to have some insight into its interview processes.
Most successful applicants will experience a four-step interview process. This usually consists of:
1. Online Application
The online application is a standard process for many businesses and often replaces paper-based application forms.
Individuals will be asked for their relevant information and job history, and references.
This will be your opportunity to make a good first impression with P&G, so make sure to sell yourself.
Be aware of any deadlines for applications or restrictions that a role may have due to location.
2. Assessments
If the online application is approved to move to the next stage, individuals will be requested to complete a series of online assessments.
There are a variety of different tests which you will have to complete.
These will generally examine cognitive ability, basic math skills and your compatibility with Procter & Gamble as a company.
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3. Sales Virtual Job Preview
This step is for those who are applying for sales-related positions.
Individuals who are not applying for a job in sales could find that this step is skipped.
This virtual job interview will look at whether you have the required set of skills to be successful in a sales role at P&G.
4. Panel Interview
The panel interview is the final stage of the process and your last chance to showcase your skills and talents.
There will be competency questions alongside more typical interview techniques.
Successful applicants will use this opportunity to shine and stand out from others.
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P&G Assessment Test - What Assessments Are There?
Successful applicants will have to complete a series of Procter & Gamble online assessments.
There are many assessments that individuals could be required to complete depending on the position applied for, and different job roles will have different scores required for individuals to pass.
The assessments will cover numerous formats, including:
- Numeracy
- Logic
- Multiple-choice
- Fill-the-gap
- Memory tests
The most common assessments candidates will have to complete are the Peak Performance Assessment and the Interactive Assessment. These are both online.
Other common assessments required of interviewees are the Grid Challenge, the Switch Challenge and the Digit Challenge.
Peak Performance Assessment
The Peak Performance Assessment works as a situational judgment test and a personality quiz.
It enables interviewers to assess how well you would fit within P&G by examining your workplace persona and interests.
Typical topics for the test would include scenarios you could experience while working for P&G and questions that look at your personality and how situations would affect you.
Key Facts:
- The Peak Performance Assessment is completed online and can be accessed 24 hours a day from all forms of internet-connected device such as mobile or laptops
- There is no time limit for completion of the assessment, although most applicants will average around 20 minutes
- Individuals can access the assessment in over 20 languages
Interactive Assessment
Applicants are frequently asked to complete an Interactive Assessment. This will depend on the type of role applied for.
The assessment looks at a range of cognitive abilities as these are difficult to assess thoroughly from an application form.
The Interactive Assessment consists of three timed sections:
- The Grid Challenge
- The Switch Challenge
- The Digit Challenge
Key Facts:
- The Interactive Assessment can be completed online and can be accessed 24 hours a day on any device which has internet connectivity such as a desktop, tablet or mobile
- The test will usually take applicants around 30 minutes to complete
- Individuals can access the assessment in over 20 languages
Grid Challenge
Applicants required to complete the Grid Challenge will be tested on their cognitive ability and spatial awareness.
When testing cognitive ability, assessors will be evaluating areas such as memory, attention, logic and reasoning.
The test presents as a series of dots in a grid formation.
Individuals must remember the location of specific dots while completing other tasks.
This will become progressively more difficult as the assessment continues, and time is critical for completing the Grid Challenge.
The test usually takes around twelve minutes to complete.
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Switch Challenge
The Switch Challenge looks to assess a candidate's deductive reasoning skills such as logic and problem-solving.
This test will show a series of symbols or shapes placed in a specific order below this will be the same shapes but in a different order.
Between the two sets of shapes, you will see a variety of number combinations.

Your task would be to choose the correct series of numbers from the choices available to explain the rule change.
As applicants progress through different stages of the challenge, it will increase in difficulty.
It is important to work quickly and accurately.
The test usually takes around six minutes to complete.
Digit Challenge
The Digit Challenge assesses an applicant's numeracy skills and considers accuracy and overall speed.
Typically, the test will involve a series of fill-the-gap style questions, where applicants' are shown a series of equations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and are asked to submit the missing information.
If you struggle with math, then revise these skills by taking basic math quizzes before the assessment.
Practice tests and questions will enable you to brush up on any areas which are particularly weak and build confidence ahead of the official assessment.
The test usually takes around six minutes to complete.
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In-Person Reasoning Test
Procter & Gamble will sometimes require candidates to complete a reasoning test in person rather than online, though this is rare.
If candidates are requested to take this test, it will usually be done on-site as part of the final interview process.
Candidates will need to complete a series of questions with pencil and paper, designed to assess reasoning skills.
Questions may include numeracy, problem-solving and abstract concepts.
Sales Virtual Job Preview
If you have applied for a job in sales, you will likely be asked to complete the Sales Virtual Job Preview.
This is especially important if the role applied for requires someone with experience.
The Sales Job Virtual Preview usually consists of seven sections:
- Introduction – An introduction to the assessment. It is a good idea to make notes of anything potentially useful later on, although there are no questions to answer.
- Email Responses – Individuals are shown a series of emails with a choice of responses. The aim is to choose the response you would be most likely to use.
- Numeracy – This is essentially a basic math test and will look at your numeracy skills.
- Prioritisation – This is a scheduling task that looks at how you would focus on different activities and how you would judge their significance.
- Multiple-Choice – This usually takes the form of a series of 25 questions with several options. This section aims to build a clear picture of who you are and what your work personality is.
- Background Information – A basic question and answer section to discover more about you, your interests and your background. It is important to be honest and accurate in this section. The answers you give could be used to form questions at the panel interview stage.
- Working Style – The final section of the assessment considers your working style, asking questions that enable interviewers to see how you approach tasks and achieve goals. Be honest when answering this section.
How to Prepare for the P&G Assessment Test in 2025: 9 Key Steps
It is not technically possible to revise for a test like this.
However, there are several things that you can do to help improve your confidence and help you to perform better on the day.
Step 1. Take Paid for or Free Procter & Gamble Assessment Practice Tests
Before sitting the actual test, make sure you practice by taking sample tests. Answer questions at the level and in the format you will encounter in the real test.
This is a great way to become familiar with the style of questions in each test section. In doing so, you can develop quick and effective ways to answer questions correctly in a short time.
While it is not possible to study for a psychometric test, practicing will mean that you have some idea of what to expect on the day.
Many websites will offer the opportunity to take practice questions.
Familiarising yourself with the format of the test and the style of questions will mean that you are more relaxed and prepared when it comes to sitting the real thing.
Step 2. Be Aware of Test Timings and Focus On Speed
Time is not a luxury that those taking the Procter & Gamble assessment test have. Practicing timings for the test can help you feel more in control of the test and not spend too long on any one question in the test.
By managing your time, you ensure you answer as many questions as possible within the time limit. This gives you the best chance of scoring well on the test.
Some sections of the assessments will be timed.
It is important to know whether you have a time limit and practice completing each section within the time limit allocated.
It is also important to remember accuracy is also vital for ensuring a good result.
Step 3. Get Into the Right Mindset
There are several different ways that you can prepare your mind for the series of tests you will be asked to complete as part of the Procter & Gamble assessment tests.
The first is to consider that you might need to skip a question or two or take a guess. If something seems too challenging, you may be better off leaving it alone and moving on to other questions you can answer.
Alternatively, mark your best guess but avoid wild guessing. It is worth remembering that one wrong answer doesn’t negatively score a candidate but can prevent several points from being scored on other questions.
Step 4. Test Equipment
Test your equipment, charge your laptop or phone battery and make sure you have your battery charger close to hand, just in case. Ensuring all equipment is in good working order is essential and puts your mind at ease.
You do not want your computer to fail or the internet connection to be lost during the test, as this will not only cause you to panic but can reduce your scores.
Step 5. Ensure You Eat and Are Well Hydrated Before Completing the Test
Not eating or ensuring you are well hydrated can seriously reduce your performance during a test. Ensure you’ve eaten, are hydrated and have a water source available during the test. This means you can fully concentrate on each question in the test and perform to the best of your ability.
Step 6. Ensure You Eat and Are Well Hydrated Before Completing the Test
Not eating or ensuring you are well hydrated can seriously reduce your performance during a test. Ensure you’ve eaten, are hydrated and have a water source available during the test. This means you can fully concentrate on each question in the test and perform to the best of your ability.
Step 7. Learn Procter & Gamble’s Core Values
Make sure you have studied P&Gs core values before taking the peak performance test, so that you can communicate your values the way that the company wants.
Step 8. Practice Basic Math Skills
With an entire section of the assessments devoted to mathematics, it would be wise to brush up on your basic math skills.
Taking some basic math quizzes as practice will help to re-familiarize yourself with standard numeracy.
Taking the time to practice and improve on any weak areas will strengthen your knowledge and help to boost your confidence ahead of sitting the assessments.
Step 9. Carefully Read All Material Given by P&G
It is important to read the information given to you by P&G during the application process, as the wording in the job listing and further communication will offer hints about what they are looking for in an employee.
You may also receive information regarding time limits for completing sections of an assessment or what the feedback process is likely to involve.
After You Have Taken the P&G Assessment Test
There is usually very little waiting between taking the assessments and finding out if you have passed the P&G test.
Applicants are usually contacted through email within a week, although this could take longer.
Depending on the score you achieve, this will either be a letter stating that you have been unsuccessful or an email telling applicants that HR will contact them to arrange the next stage of interviews.
Take a Procter and Gamble Assessment Prep
Candidates will usually be contacted within a week of taking the P&G assessment to inform them whether or not they have been successful.
Assessments are generally reviewed very quickly and applicants are typically informed within a week as to whether or not they have been successful.
There are many things that you can do to help prepare for the P&G online assessments.
Some of the most frequently recommended things include:
- Practice using similar assessments to brush up on your skills
- Practice answering questions against the clock so that you're used to being timed
- Get enough rest ahead of the assessment so that you are feeling refreshed
The P&G assessment is made up of a variety of questions. Typically, it will include:
- Numeracy style questions
- Memory tests
- Fill-the-gap style questions
- Multiple-choice questions
There is usually a lot of competition for roles within Procter and Gamble. It’s not uncommon for there to be more than 100 applicants for each vacant role.
This is why it’s important to be as prepared as possible ahead of the assessments. That way, you will be able to give your best performance on the day.
Different assessments will take a different length of time, so it will largely depend on which assessments you are asked to complete.
For example, the Peak Performance assessment will usually take around 20 minutes to complete and the Grid Challenge assessment will typically take around twelve minutes.
You will be told. The recruiters will usually be in contact within a week to inform you whether or not you have been successful.
The evaluation process once assessments are complete is generally relatively quick. Most applicants will receive an email within a week to tell them whether or not they have been successful.
Assessments are designed to assess your key skills such as numeracy and cognitive ability as well as considering how well you would fit within Procter and Gamble as a company.
The exact assessments that you would be asked to complete will largely depend on the role you have applied for.
Procter & Gamble has a reputation as a good employer. Its core values include integrity, leadership, ownership, passion for winning and trust.
As such, P&G offers and encourages continuous development and skill-building. The leaders create a trusting and collaborative environment.
The company offers a great employment package that includes PTO, medical, life and retirement plans, flexible working, and access to gyms and health clubs through subsidized memberships or on-site locations.
There are four steps in The Procter & Gamble hiring process: online application, assessments, interviews and final offer.
If you have completed the second step in the hiring process, an HR representative will reach out to arrange your interview.
Depending on your region and the urgency to fill the role, this can take one week to one month.
Procter & Gamble has two interviews. An initial interview either alone or with a group and a final solo interview.
Depending on your region, they will either be in-person or virtually.
Yes, P&G is considered a good company to work for. It has a good employee package that can be adapted to suit your lifestyle, and it is believed to have a culture of development, innovation and support.
Reviews from past employees claim that management is very supportive, there are ample promotion opportunities and there is a good work/life balance.
While the exact salaries are not publicly disclosed, it is reported that P&G does pay well.
It also provides an extensive employee benefits package that includes gym memberships, healthcare for you and your children, bonuses and incentives.
Final Thoughts
Although there is no real way to revise or train for a psychometric test, there are things you can do to be prepared.
By improving your skills and preparing for any eventualities, you will ensure that you are as ready and as confident as possible before the assessments, meaning that you can perform to the very best of your ability on the day.