Klarna Logic Test: Guide and Tips for 2025
Updated November 6, 2024
More and more companies are using assessments as tools within their recruitment processes. Understanding what these assessments are and how they relate to you is important when deciding how to prepare for them.
In this article, you’ll learn more about the Klarna Logic Test, helping you to fully understand what is expected and giving you the tools that you need to perform to the best of your ability.
What Is Klarna?
Klarna is known globally as one of the world's leading fintech companies. They provide finance to millions of people around the world with a range of online shopping and payment services.
Working for Klarna is a highly sought-after employment opportunity due to the extensive range of perks and high rate of pay. This means that when roles are available, it can be a very competitive application process.
The Klarna Logic Test is used to help screen applicants, which means that achieving a good score is vital. Candidates who do not achieve a passing score will not move on to the next stage of the process.
What Is the Klarna Logic Test?
Also known as the Klarna Kattis Test, due to being developed by The Kattis Group, the Klarna Logic Test is an online, multiple-choice assessment that aims to assess how well a candidate is able to understand information, as well as their attention to detail and judgment skills.
All of the questions are formatted for candidates to select which shape or image comes next in a series. The aim is to work out what the relation between the images is and then choose the next one from a range of options.
Candidates are given 15 minutes to answer a total of 18 questions, so speed and accuracy are key. You will need to be able to quickly assess the question before selecting the correct answer.
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When Might You Take a Klarna Logic Test?
Anyone who applies for a role within Klarna will be asked to complete the Klarna logical reasoning test (sometimes referred to as the Klarna abstract reasoning test) as part of their recruitment process.
It is usually requested once initial application screening processes have been completed.
Klarna Logic Test Example Questions
All of the questions within the Klarna logical thinking test are multiple-choice. You will be shown a series of images and a variety of possible answers.
The objective is to discover the connection between the images and select the correct answer.
1. Select the next shape in the pattern.
2. Select the next shape in the pattern.
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How to Prepare for the Klarna Logic Test in 2025
Everyone prepares for assessment differently and what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another.
However, there are a few things you can do that may help you to perform to the best of your ability. Being prepared can help to ensure that you are able to achieve your best possible score on the Klarna Kattis logical thinking test.
Step 1. Learn About the Test Format
Making sure that you are familiar with the format of the Klarna Logic Test will help you to avoid any unnecessary confusion on the day.
You will know what to expect and how best to answer Klarna logical reasoning test questions, enabling you to save time and select answers more efficiently.
Step 2. Practice Similar Tests Online
One of the best ways to prepare for any test or assessment is through the use of practice tests.
The idea of practice tests is to refine your skills and ensure that you are able to answer Klarna Logic test questions to the best of your ability.
They can also help to highlight any areas that you might struggle with, therefore enabling you to focus more of your preparation time on enhancing these skills.
There are a number of websites that provide sample questions and practice tests you can use. Some of these will require purchasing, others will be free.
Step 3. Get Used to Answering Questions Under Timed Conditions
You will have 15 minutes to answer all eight questions and complete the assessment, which means that you will need to be able to read and think quickly.
Practicing sample questions under timed conditions will help to improve your response time and accuracy.
Step 4. Get Enough Rest
Never underestimate the importance of being well-rested ahead of any test or assessment. Studies have shown that getting enough sleep can help to improve focus, memory and concentration.
Step 5. Practice Mindfulness Techniques
If you are someone who struggles with anxiety or tends to freeze under pressure, then you may find that breathing and mindfulness techniques can help.
Using these techniques will often help you to feel calmer and more relaxed, enabling you to focus and provide better responses.

What Happens After the Klarna Logic Test?
Once you've completed the test, your Klarna Logic test answers will need to be assessed.
Each role or position will have a different passing score, so it is important to make sure that you score as highly as possible.
If you have been successful in achieving the required score, the recruiters will be in contact to arrange an interview.
Most people will hear whether or not they have been successful within a few days.
Can you Retake the Klarna Logic Test?
No. If you fail to achieve the required score on the Klarna Logic Test, your recruitment journey will be over and you will not be able to move on to the next stage. The only way that you would be able to take the test again is as part of a new application.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Klarna logical reasoning test (also sometimes referred to as the Klarna abstract reasoning test) is used within the recruitment process for individuals who apply to work for Klarna.
The assessment aims to assess how well you are able to understand patterns and sequences. Your Klarna Logic test answers help recruiters to understand your ability to understand information and form judgements.
There are 18 questions in total on the Klarna Logic Test, which have to be completed within 15 minutes.
There are a number of websites that will provide you with sample questions and practice tests. Two of the best ones are JobTestPrep.
It can be. You will usually need to score at least 15 out of 18 to pass.
The score that you will need to pass the Klarna Logic Test can vary depending on the role you have applied for and the number of applicants.
In most cases, you will need to achieve a score of at least 15 to move on to the next stage of the hiring process.
No. If you fail the test, then you will not be moved onto the next stage of the recruitment process.
However, if you apply for another role at a later date, you will be asked to take the Klarna Logic Test again.
There are some sample questions within this article. Other websites such as JobTestPrep can also help you to find sample tests and practice assessments.
If you are applying for a role within Klarna, a financial services company, you will be expected to score well in the Klarna Logic Test.
You won’t always be told your exact score, but most people will find out whether or not they have been successful within a few days of taking the test. If there are a lot of applicants for a position, then it can take longer.
If you have passed the Klarna Logic Test, a recruiter will be in contact with you to arrange an interview.
There are a number of websites that can provide you with everything that you need to know ahead of the Klarna Logic Test.
This article should provide you with a comprehensive overview, while the JobTestPrep, TSA Test Prep and Practice Aptitude Tests websites contain information and sample tests you can use.
As the Klarna Logic Test is used as a part of the Klarna recruitment process, there is no charge to take it.
Only potential candidates are asked to take the assessment. There may be a charge for practice tests if you choose to use them as part of your preparation process.
Final Thoughts
Passing the Klarna Logic Test is a vital part of the Klarna recruitment process. Every candidate who makes it through the application and CV screening phase will be asked to complete the assessment. Only those with the best scores will move to the next stage of the recruitment process.
Making sure that you are familiar with the format and time constraints can help you to perform at your best on your day.