The Bank Teller Assessment (2025 Guide)
Updated November 20, 2023
What Is a Bank Teller Assessment?
A bank teller, or cashier, deals with clients and handles money within a bank or post office.
The duties of a bank teller include providing accounting services – such as cashing checks, making savings withdrawals, receiving deposits, processing loan payments and handling currency conversions – alongside providing quality customer service by answering any queries and signposting to relevant resources.
Bank tellers require excellent communication and organizational skills, accompanied by an aptitude for mathematics and financial analysis.
Banks use aptitude assessments as part of the recruitment process to ensure employees have the competencies needed to fulfill responsibilities and thrive in the role.
A bank teller assessment will be encountered in the early stages of the hiring process, likely after the submission of your online application. Candidates need to pass this to be invited to interview and be considered for the role.
What Skills Do Bank Teller Assessments Test and Why?
Bank teller assessments are designed to assess a candidate’s ability across two main areas: numerical aptitude and communication skills.
Numerical Aptitude
Prospective bank tellers need to possess an analytical mind capable of dealing with mathematical data.
These skills are important because, when in their role, bank tellers are required to:
- Handle financial transactions for clients and customers
- Compile financial data into statistical reports
- Convert currency for customers
- Update and maintain financial transaction records
- Track and trace financial transactions (to guard against fraud or mismanagement)
Therefore, the bank teller assessment tests your ability to work with financial data, handle numbers and perform calculations efficiently and effectively.
Communication Skills
The second area of focus is a candidate’s ability to communicate, as bank tellers are the main point of customer contact.
Tellers are required to perform the following functions:
- Provide a high level of customer service while performing accounting services (such as processing transactions)
- Provide customers with information on financial products
- Offer financial services to clients – such as financial planning, insurance and investment management
- Offer assistance when needed, helping solve any problems or correctly signpost customers
Due to these responsibilities, banks test applicants to ensure that they have strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as an appropriate and positive attitude.
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What Are the Most Popular Tests Used Within a Bank Teller Assessment?
Bank teller assessments often comprise a series of psychometric tests to fully assess a candidate's suitability for the position.
Together, they provide insight into numerical skills, critical thinking, communication skills, behavioral preferences and personality.
The following tests may feature in a bank teller assessment:
Numerical Reasoning Test
A numerical reasoning test directly assesses the ability to manipulate numbers and interpret data presented in graphs, charts and tables.
The test features multiple-choice questions, which are answered within an allocated time. The ask differs according to the test publisher but, on average, a pace of 30-45 seconds per question is required.
The questions feature general arithmetic, fractions, ratios, percentages, sequences and basic algebra.
It is likely that the numerical data presented in a reasoning test for bank tellers will be related to financial scenarios and require candidates to carry out functions such as currency conversions and calculating interest.
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Situational Judgement Test
A situational judgement test presents a series of hypothetical workplace scenarios.
In this case, the situations will be related to the responsibilities of a bank teller. Candidates are required to either select or rate different courses of action.
The test should be completed with honest answers, with candidates selecting the option that most closely resembles the path they would take.
Situational judgment tests enable banks to gain insight into a prospective employee's behavioral traits, so they can assess whether they are the right fit for a customer-facing role.
Verbal Reasoning Test
Bank tellers may also be required to sit a verbal reasoning test. These tests contain passages of text, around which a series of multiple-choice questions are focused.
Success depends upon the ability to rapidly understand, analyze and interpret written material. A strong attention to detail is crucial, as many verbal reasoning questions are purposely ambiguous.
Candidates will need to answer questions related to the content of the passages, the arguments presented and any assumptions made, alongside linguistic questions on word meanings, synonyms and antonyms.
Bank tellers need to be able to read, understand and write financial reports for clients, as well as write emails and memos. The verbal reasoning test gives an insight into this capability.
Abstract Reasoning Test
An abstract reasoning test presents candidates with a series of shapes and figures.
From the given diagram, they are required to deduce the rule (or rules) governing the scenario and select the following figure in the sequence.
The questions are multiple-choice and must be completed within a given time limit. This means both speed and accuracy are required when tackling the reasoning problems.
This type of test is designed to assess problem-solving ability – the capacity to approach a challenge logically, use provided information to make accurate deductions and reach the correct conclusion.
Personality Questionnaire
Banks may also require prospective bank tellers to complete a personality questionnaire.
These require candidates to rate statements based on how applicable they are to their own personality or behaviors.
These statements are either rated out of five or on a 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree' scale.

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They are often split into sections that explore traits such as conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism.
These form the Big Five personality model.
Unlike the other forms of psychometric test, a personality test is not timed and can be completed at a candidate’s own pace.
It is important, however, not to overthink your answers as this will be evident in the results. Also, too long a completion time may also suggest indecisiveness.
The questions should be answered honestly to give an accurate picture of your preferences, motivations and approaches.
From the personality profile produced, employers can gauge whether an individual is a good fit for the organization and role.
5 Top Tips to Pass Your Bank Teller Assessment in 2025
Step 1. Know What to Expect
After finding out you are required to sit a bank teller assessment, seek out the details from the employer so you know exactly what to expect from the tests.
Key information to gather includes:
The format in which you will be sitting the tests – You may be asked to take the assessment online from home or at a test center. If the assessment is administered at home, you may also wish to find out how long you have to submit the assessment once you have received the link (some companies give 24 hours, others allow a few days for turnaround).
Which tests you will be required to sit – Different banks administer different combinations of aptitude tests. Numerical reasoning and situational judgment tests tend to feature in all assessments, but verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning and personality questionnaires also make regular appearances. Find out which tests you will face, so you can target your practice accordingly.
The publisher of the tests – Test format, content, length, question style and time limit all vary according to the test publisher. Try to find out the publisher of your tests, so you can prepare with practice materials that closely resemble the official assessment and so hone the necessary pace to comfortably complete all the questions.
Step 2. Revise Your Basic Mathematical Skills
Bank tellers need good mathematical skills, so all bank teller assessments will have a numerical element.
To ensure you achieve a high score in the numerical reasoning section, brush up on dealing with fractions, percentages, ratios and currency conversions, as well as interpreting financial statistics.
Revising math to a high school level is recommended, to cover your bases and ensure you are confident in tackling the problems presented. This investment will also help you hit the ground running when in your role.
Take practice numerical reasoning tests alongside your subject revision, to familiarize yourself with the style of the questions as well as the content.
Always review your test performance and adjust your preparation to focus upon the areas in which your performance is weaker.
Step 3. Sit Practice Tests
The best way to prepare for psychometric assessment is to sit practice tests in timed conditions.
These can be found online – Psychometric Success offers free practice tests across many types of aptitude assessment, with a larger catalog of tests available if required.
Taking practice tests allows you to become familiar with the format, style and content of the questions while also improving your time management.
They also allow you to identify your areas of strength and weakness – an invaluable insight when structuring limited preparation time.
Many candidates struggle with the time pressure of the tests. Keep sitting practice tests until you can work through the material at the pace needed for your official assessment.
This will give you the best chance of securing a high score and increase your confidence level going into the assessment.
Step 4. Do Your Research Into the Role and Company
To be prepared for the recruitment process, you need to have done adequate research into the organization, including its culture and ways of working, alongside the responsibilities and skills needed for the role.
This is important for psychometric assessments as well as for the interview stage.
Situational judgment tests are often tailored to reflect a company's values and culture, so it pays to be aware of any core values or principles before completing the test.
It is also beneficial to review the job description and specification, as you will want to strongly reflect those competencies within your answers.
When completing a personality questionnaire also keep the company culture and role responsibilities in mind, so you can evidence the values, competencies and skills the company seeks.
Step 5. Draw on Your Knowledge and Experience
To prepare for your assessment, reflect on your knowledge of the banking sector and the responsibilities of bank tellers.
This will help you to identify, and situate in practice, the skills and competencies needed for this career.
You may find it useful to think about your own experience of dealing with bank tellers.
Identify the factors that make for a good or bad experience and seek to display this awareness through your situational judgment and/or personality questionnaire.
If you are successful in the assessment and progress to the next stage of the recruitment process, this reflection will also serve you well in interview.
Final Thoughts
To pass a bank teller assessment you will need to display a well-rounded skill set, including an aptitude with numbers and an affinity for dealing with the public.
Approach the assessment as an opportunity to evidence your strong mathematical skills, acute attention to detail and ability to handle situations in an appropriate and proportionate manner.
The test is not designed to be prohibitive, so do not allow yourself to be overly daunted by the prospect. Practice is the key to honing your performance in psychometric tests, increasing your confidence and chance of success.
If you invest time into targeted preparation, you will be able to excel in the tests and secure your new role as a bank teller.