What Is the Walmart Supervisor Assessment 2025? (With Examples)
Updated November 20, 2023
Individuals who are looking to take on a supervisory role within Walmart will find that there are several steps to the process.
One of these steps is the Walmart Supervisor Assessment, also known as the Walmart Teaming Employment Assessment or TEA.
Whether you already hold a position within Walmart or are hoping to join the company for the first time, the Walmart Supervisor Assessment will form part of the recruitment process.
What Is the Walmart Supervisor Assessment?
The Walmart Supervisor Assessment is a situational judgment test designed to highlight your strengths.
Recruiters and employers will then use this information to select the candidates whom they feel best suit the supervisor roles that are available.
Whether you are an existing Walmart employee or someone who is looking to join the company for the first time, you will be expected to complete this assessment.
For most people, it is part of the initial application process.
This means that, for most applicants, as soon as you submit your application, you will be sent information regarding completing the supervisor assessments.
Occasionally, your application will be reviewed and recruiters will contact you before being asked to complete the assessments.
Successful completion of this assessment will then decide whether or not you are able to move to the next stage of the recruitment process.
What Is the Format of the Walmart Supervisor Assessment?
The Walmart Supervisor Assessment is completed entirely online.
You will usually be sent a link that contains the test, and you will be asked to complete it by a set date.
Within the test, you will be given a range of questions on various topics. These are likely to be predominantly multiple-choice in style.
You will be expected to answer several questions for each area of the test. These will help to give the employer an idea of your strengths.
The test is designed to assess the traits which Walmart has set as benchmarks for its supervisors.
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The assessment itself is split into five different sections:
1. Work With Associates
As a supervisor, you will need to be able to work well within a team and manage others.
These questions are designed to assess your leadership style as well as any areas which you may find difficult.
2. Manage Your Area
These questions are designed to consider your approach to your working environment.
You may be given charts and tables before being asked to make decisions based on the information that you can see.
3. Manage Your Day
This set of questions is designed to assess how well you prioritize tasks and your approach to tackling any challenges which you may face within the workplace.
You will be asked a series of situational questions with a variety of possible responses.
4. Tell Us Your Story
These questions are focused more on who you are as an individual and what your personality is like as an employee.
Many of these questions will involve deciding whether you agree or disagree with various statements.
5. Describe Your Approach
The way that you present yourself within the workplace is important. You will need to show that you can be consistent in your approach to work.
Each section of the assessment is designed to assess a range of skills and abilities.
These are:
- Communication skills
- Teamwork
- Decision making
- People skills
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What Happens After the Walmart Supervisor Assessment?
Once you have completed your assessment, the recruiter will review your results. What happens next will depend on how well you have scored.
You will be given one of three scores:
Non-Competitive – If you receive a score of non-competitive, it, unfortunately, means that you have not been successful. You will not proceed any further into the recruitment process and will need to wait six months before applying for a supervisor role with Walmart again.
Competitive six-month expire – Tier 1 – If you receive this result, then it means that you have successfully passed the assessment but can only apply for certain positions. This could be because some sections of your assessment scored lower than others.
Competitive two-year expire – Tier 2 – If you receive this result, then you have successfully passed all sections of the assessments. You will be able to apply for any supervisor role you want.
If your results don’t show the skills and personality traits that recruiters are looking for, you are likely to receive an email or a phone call that states that you have been unsuccessful.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t try again at a later date, simply that you will not be considered for the particular supervisor role you have applied for at that time.
If your results show the skills and traits that recruiters are looking for, then you will move forward to the next stage of the recruitment process.
This will usually involve in-person interviews and may require you to take further assessments.
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How to Perform Well in the Walmart Supervisor Assessment in 2025
The Walmart Supervisor Assessment is looking to see whether you have the key skills and personality traits needed to perform well in the role you have applied for.
As such, the most important thing that you can do is be yourself.
This will help recruiters to see what you are likely to be like in a supervisory role.
Some of the other things that you can do to perform at your best on the day of the assessment are:
Step 1. Check Which Test You Are Taking
The Walmart Supervisor Assessment is specifically designed for those who are applying for supervisory roles within Walmart.
However, there are several different assessments that are used by Walmart during its recruitment processes.
It is important to check exactly which assessments you will be asked to take so that you can prepare for the right one.
Step 2. Familiarise Yourself With the Assessment
There are websites you can use which will offer practice tests. Using these can help to familiarise yourself with the style of question you will find on the assessment.
It can also help you to understand the answers that a recruiter may be looking for.
Step 3. Practice Mindfulness
If you are someone who feels particularly anxious ahead of interviews and assessments then you might find that mindfulness techniques will help.
Breathing exercises can help you to feel calmer and more able to answer questions to the best of your abilities.
Step 4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
There have been endless studies that show the connection between being well-rested and performing well in assessments.
Making sure you get enough sleep the night before a test can help you maintain focus and recall information.
Walmart Supervisor Assessment Sample Questions (2025)
While it is a good idea to take practice assessments if you are trying to prepare for the Walmart Supervisor Assessment, this isn’t always possible.
For some people, the costs associated with practice tests make it an impossibility.
For others, they simply don’t have the time to complete practice tests.
The sample questions below can help you to gain some insight as to the style of questioning that you might find.
With many of the questions on the Walmart Supervisor Assessment there are no specific right and wrong answers.
Your recruiter will set the limits that they wish to find, and your answers will score according to their requirements. This means that it is often better for you to answer truthfully rather than tactically.
Work With Associates Sample Question
You hear a colleague giving incorrect information to a customer regarding the best storage of a product.
What do you do?
a) Go up to the colleague and correct them in front of the customer
b) Make sure that the customer knows the correct information and then speak to the colleague at a quiet time
c) Speak to the manager. Giving incorrect information could be dangerous and needs to be dealt with
Manage Your Area Sample Question
Rank these activities in order from most important to least important:
[_] Clear space in the warehouse before a new order arrives
[_] Speak with team members about this month’s targets
[_] Unpack and organize a recent delivery
[_] Check the time sheets to see who will be in
Manage Your Day Sample Question
You are currently working through a project which requires all members of your team.
Partway through the day, you receive an email that says that the deadline has moved forwards and you now need to complete the project a week earlier than anticipated.
*This may be an issue as you know one of the team members has annual leave booked, and they are an important part of the team. *
What do you do?
a) Email back explaining that there is no way the new deadline can be met and asking for an extension
b) Email back saying that there is no issue with the deadline and cancel the employee’s annual leave so that they are available
c) Ask the employee who is going on annual leave to prioritize their contribution to the project before they go on holiday so that their section is complete
d) Re-assign the tasks so that the employee who is going on annual leave is given a section of the project which is completed before they go away
Tell Us Your Story Sample Question
How do you think a colleague would describe your organizational skills?
[_] Very Good
[_] Good
[_] Average
[_] Bad
[_] Very Bad
Describe Your Approach Sample Question
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It is important for me to be friends with the people I work with
[_] Strongly Agree
[_] Agree
[_] Neither Agree Nor Disagree
[_] Disagree
[_] Strongly Disagree
No. You can take as long as you want to answer the questions. You should try not to overthink the answers.
However, the test is designed to consider your personality. It is better to be honest rather than attempt to portray the personality that you think the test wants to see.
One of the best things you can do in order to pass any assessment is to familiarize yourself with it.
Taking practice tests and looking at sample questions will help you to understand what Walmart is looking for from its candidates.
The Walmart Supervisor Test is a multiple-choice situational judgment test that is used to assess candidates who are applying for supervisor roles within Walmart.
The questions are designed to assess whether or not you possess the qualities that Walmart looks for in its supervisors.
Yes, the Walmart Teaming Employee Assessment is another name for the Walmart Supervisor Assessment.
Anyone applying for a managerial or supervisory role within Walmart will be expected to complete the assessment.
In most cases, if you fail the supervisor assessment, you will have to wait six months before applying again.
If you pass but don’t achieve the tier that you wanted, you will also need to wait six months before trying again.
Final Thoughts
Choosing to apply for a supervisor role within Walmart can be the next logical step in your career.
If you already work for Walmart then you may be familiar with the application and recruitment processes.
However, it is important to know that each process is slightly different and the assessments you may be asked to complete can vary.
Making sure that you are familiar with the format of the assessment you are taking, as well as making the most of practice questions, can help ensure that you are ready to perform to the best of your ability on the day.