Microsoft OA Codility Test (2025 Guide)
Updated March 18, 2024
- What Is the Microsoft Codility Test?
- What Questions Will You Be Asked on the Microsoft Codility Test?
- Passing Score for the Microsoft Codility Test
- How to Prepare for the Microsoft Codility Test in 2025
- Tips to Remember During the Codility Test
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
If you are interested in a career as a software engineer, it is likely that you have heard of the Microsoft online assessment Codility test.
Codility is an online coding platform that Microsoft uses to administer coding tests.
The Codility test is an online coding environment that assesses the programming skills of potential hires for various companies.
What Is the Microsoft Codility Test?
The Codility test is part of Microsoft's recruitment process. It is an online timed coding test, with two to four coding questions.
The difficulty of the Codility test will depend on the role you are applying for.
Although there are only two or three question set, they are rigorous. Typically, candidates are given 60 to 90 minutes to answer the questions set.
When sitting the test, the candidate will be able to choose a programming language of their preference. These include:
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- C++
The screen will be recorded for the duration of the test and the candidate can also expect to have an additional phone interview. This phone inverview provides the candidate with the opportunity to build rapport with the recruiter.
The combination of the two will show how eligible you are for the role.
The Purpose of the Test
Microsoft is an extremely well-known company who employs thousands of programmers annually to work on their software projects.
This test is an efficient method to narrow down the candidate pool for potential new programmers to those who are skilled enough to join Microsoft.
If you are applying for a software internship, an SDE-1 (software development engineer level 1) role or an SDET (software development engineer in test) role, you will be required to take a Codility test.
When/Why It Was Developed?
Codility was developed in 2009 to help other businesses hire candidates with the right technical skills to perform in software-based roles. It is now used by over 12,000 businesses including Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon and PayPal.
Microsoft uses Codility in order to the evaluate problem-solving skills of its potential recruits.
Take a Microsoft Codility Test
Practice Microsoft Codility Test with JobTestPrep
What Questions Will You Be Asked on the Microsoft Codility Test?
The questions chosen will vary depending on what role you are applying for. They generally examine a candidate’s understanding of algorithms and their knowledge on data structures.
The questions you will be presented with will be a mixture of:
- Debugging questions
- Coding questions
- Multiple-choice questions
Each question will test a candidate’s ability with Microsoft’s operating systems, database management and computer networks.
If you are used to coding and operating computer networks, then the questions will likely feel familiar.
Some common types of questions on the Microsoft Codility test are:
- Arrays and strings
- Linked lists
- Binary trees
- Search and tort
- Dynamic programming
- Bit manipulation
Here are some examples of the types of questions you will answer on the Codility test.
Example Question: Bubble Sort
Given the integer N and the list ARR, sort the array using the bubble sort algorithm.
N = 5
ARR[] = 4, 1, 3, 9, 7
Find the length of the longest sub-sequence from the given array A of integers. The elements in this sub-sequence must be consecutive integers. You can have the consecutive numbers in any order.
Input: N[] = [10,4,20,1,3,2]
Passing Score for the Microsoft Codility Test
To pass the Codility test, you must score at least 60% to have a chance. If you score under 60% your application will be terminated.
If you score 100% on the Codility test, you will automatically pass. This is the best way to show the employers that you will be competent in the role.
If you score 60–99%, you may still pass the test; however, your test score will be subject to a review by the Microsoft recruiter.
The result of this review will depend on the scores of other candidates on the test and how well you have performed in other areas of the application process.
You will receive your results from the recruiter. Because this is an OA, the results for the Codility test should be available within just a few minutes.
Additionally, because the Codility test is one of the first parts of the Microsoft application process, it is likely that your interview will be taken into consideration.
Whether you can retake the test is dependent on the availability of the job role. Software engineering is a very competitive industry, so it is not likely you will be given another chance to take the test for the same role.
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How to Prepare for the Microsoft Codility Test in 2025
Step 1. Find Practice Papers
The best method to prepare for the Microsoft Codility test is by taking online practice tests. A mock examination can help you prepare for the question types and the amount time you have to answer them.
There are various websites where you can purchase an OA and study the question format of the Codility test. For example, Jobtestprep offers an up-to-date practice paper.
Step 2. Understand the Different Question Types
You will face two to four sets of questions on the Codility test.
Microsoft uses a common set of question subjects:
- Arrays and strings
- Linked lists
- Binary trees
- Search and tort
- Dynamic programming
- Bit manipulation
If you have a good knowledge of what to expect, then you will perform better.
Step 3. Understanding Codility
If you have previously applied for another position in software engineering in another company, it is likely that you will have come across Codility elsewhere.
Understanding why Codility uses these types of examinations will help you communicate your answers to the interviewer.
Codility is an employment tool that aids the employer in choosing the right candidates. If you understand the needs of the employer, then you can display this better during the interview process.
Step 4. Do Not Leave Blank Answers
Most people who fail the Codility test do so because they leave the answers blank.
If you receive a phone interview after your Codility assessment, you may be asked to explain your answers and methods – because your screen is recorded, they can also watch the way you work. If you did not leave any answer, then the interviewer cannot understand where you may have gone wrong.
It is better to get an answer wrong than to leave it blank. You will be able to explain to the interviewer where you have made a mistake.
Remember that Codility records your assessment, meaning that all errors and corrections will be available for the recruiter to see.

Tips to Remember During the Codility Test
Do not feel rushed by the pressure of the time. Be aware that the test usually takes around 60 to 90 minutes to complete.
**Become used to working within this time limit through incorporating them into your practice papers. **
If you find yourself running out of time, make an effort to give any sort of answer to the remaining questions. Partial answers and showing your working for a question are better than leaving it blank.
**Ensure that you are in a comfortable environment with strong Wi-Fi connection that will not drop during the assessment. **
You must take this test on a laptop or computer, not a smartphone.
Take time out of your schedule to sit the test – trying to do it while doing other things will mean you are distracted and so do worse.
Remove all distractions and tell anyone you live with that you need to be left alone until the assessment is finished.
Finally, set up everything you may need to be within easy reach, such as water and snacks, and go to the toilet before you begin.
Coding Language
Remember that you can choose the coding language that you wish to take the Codility test in.
The languages on offer include:
- Python
- Java
- JavaScript
- C++
When you take practice tests, make sure it’s in the language you plan to use in the real assessment.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Codility test is a popular recruitment tool used by large corporations, including Microsoft, PayPal, Amazon and Tesla, for software-based roles. The assessment is administered online and usually takes around 60 to 90 minutes to complete.
There are usually two to four questions on the Microsoft Codility test. These questions will be reviewed by the employer’s recruiter and will dictate whether you move onto the next recruitment stage.
The best way to prepare for any test is to take practice papers and mock examinations. Microsoft OA Codility practice papers can be found via Jobtestprep, AssessmentcentreHQ and on Codility’s website.
During the OA your screen is recorded, making it very difficult to cheat. Your recruiter will be able to watch your test back and know if you have cheated.
In addition to this, the recruiter may ask questions about the test during the initial screening interview. It will be obvious to the recruiter if you have cheated because you will not be able to explain how you have answered the questions.
First become familiar with what the Codility test is used for and why corporations use it as a recruitment tool. Then study the types of questions you will answer and sit any practice papers using the coding language you have mastered and will use during the assessment.
How long it will take you to complete the test is dependent upon how many questions you must answer. The more senior the software-based role is, the harder the questions will be.
On average it takes between 60 to 90 minutes to answer three question sets.
The best way to ensure success during the application process is to score 100% on the Codility test.
If you score between 60% to 99% you may still be successful, but your score will be subject to a review from a Microsoft recruiter.
If you score under 60% then you will fail the Codility test.
You can find study guides via Jobtestprep and AssessmentcentreHQ.
Codility sample questions can also be found once you know the common types of questions you will be answering. For instance, you can find bubble sort algorithms across various online resources.
It is likely you will receive your results immediately after sitting the test.
The answers are recorded by Codility and used by a Microsoft recruiter to assess your performance.
Because of this, the answers must be readily available for discussing during the recruitment process.
You need a reliable internet connection, a computer and one of the following web browsers: Chrome 91+, ChromiumEdge 91+, Firefox 89+, Opera 77+, Safari 14+.
If your browser is unsuitable Codility will let you know before the test starts.
Provided your web browser is suitable, you do not need to install anything.
You can find a complete study guide for Codility via their online study portal. This guide includes 17 lessons and mirrors the test you will take for Microsoft and other companies.
What happens after the test depends on the position you are applying for.
For instance, if you are applying for a software engineering internship, you must sit a phone screening interview. During this process you will discuss your application with the recruiter and some of the answers you provided in your Codility test.
Final Thoughts
Codility is a popular method that employers use in order to test if you are suitable for a software-based role.
Microsoft requires employees with strong coding skills and knowledge. Achieving a high score on the Codility test is the best way to communicate to recruiters that you have the skills to succeed.
Use this guide to prepare yourself for any Codility test. Having knowledge of the questions and format of the test will reduce any fears prior to taking the examination and allow you to concentrate on doing your best.