Best Home Depot Interview and Assessment Tests in 2025
Updated November 5, 2024
- Home Depot Hiring Process
- Example Home Depot Test Questions
- Typical Interview Questions at Home Depot With Sample Answers
- How to Prepare for Home Depot Interviews in 2025
- Great Questions to Ask a Home Depot Hiring Manager
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
With annual sales of approximately $132 billion and profits of $12.9 billion, Home Depot is one of the largest companies in the United States.
As a result, it is also one of the biggest employers, with more than 500,000 associates currently employed by the company. The majority of these roles are related to customer service, although roles within administration, warehouse operatives and more are available.
The majority of employees are based on-site in customer-facing roles, although Home Depot has recently begun offering remote working for some positions.
If you are considering applying for a role within Home Depot, you may be interested in learning a little more about the recruitment process.
This article aims to unpick some of the most common features of the Home Depot hiring process, offering an insight ahead of your application and providing tools to help you perform well.
Home Depot Hiring Process
As with many other companies, the recruitment process at Home Depot consists of a number of stages. Below, you will find information regarding the typical process that applicants can expect.
The exact process your journey will follow may vary slightly depending on the role you have applied for.
When applying for a role at Home Depot, you should be aware that there is likely to be a lot of competition. Entry-level roles are especially sought-after, with hundreds of applicants applying for each role.
For this reason, it is important to make sure that your application stands out from the crowd, and you are as prepared as possible ahead of any interviews and assessments.
There are a number of ways to submit an application for a role at Home Depot.
Most stores will have an in-store kiosk available for applicants to submit instant applications. Alternatively, you can submit an application online via desktop or a mobile device.
Filling in an in-store application is probably the easiest way to apply. If you choose this route, you should make sure to take any relevant documentation and your work history along with you. This way, you will have all of the information that you need to submit your application.
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Age Requirements
Before applying for a role at Home Depot, you should check the age requirements for your state. There are 30 US states that allow 16-year-olds to work at Home Depot. If your state isn’t one of these, then you will not be able to apply if you are under 18.
When you fill out an application, you are likely to be asked a range of questions. Some of these will include:
- The role and working environment you are looking for – this can be in-store or corporate
- Your availability for shifts
- Skills that may be useful within the role you are applying for
- Contact details – make sure that these are correct!
- Your education level and any additional qualifications you hold
- Confirmation of your age – additional documentation such as a driving licence may be required for this
- Reasons why you feel that you would be a good fit for the role
- Permission for drugs testing and background checks to be performed
If you are able to complete your application in-store, it can be helpful to ask to speak to the manager while you are there. Take a business card, or similar, with your contact details and explain that you have applied for a role and how you feel that you are a strong candidate.
This personal approach helps to build a rapport before your application has been processed. In some cases, it can even mean securing an interview quicker, as you will be seen as proactive and enthusiastic.
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In many cases, the interview process is made up of two parts: a phone interview and an in-person interview. However, the phone interview part will sometimes be skipped.
Telephone Interview
In most cases, this will be an introductory ‘getting to know you’ style interview. You may be asked to confirm information within your application and asked additional questions relating to information you have previously submitted.
It is possible that you will be asked about working hours and what you think you will bring to the role.
If the phone interview is successful, you will be offered an in-person interview.
In-Person Interview
Applicants who are invited for a face-to-face interview will find that it follows a fairly typical interview format. You will be asked a range of questions relating to the role you have applied for and what you hope to gain from the position. You may also be asked about your interests and skills.
If you are nervous, or unfamiliar with interviews, it can be useful to prepare some typical interview answers ahead of time. This can help you to make sure that you mention things that are relevant.
It is also a good idea to prepare some questions you can ask the interviewer. In most cases, you will be asked if you have any questions towards the end of the interview. Having two or three questions prepared will show that you are interested in the role and what working for Home Depot will mean to you.
During your in-person interview, you may be asked to complete a series of assessments, although these are sometimes scheduled for a later date.
Not all applicants are asked to complete assessments. Often it will depend on the role you have applied for and the number of candidates who have applied.
If you are asked to complete assessments as part of the Home Depot recruitment process, you are likely to be asked to complete two tests. These are a general math test and a situational judgment test.
You may also be asked to complete a personality test that considers whether your personality is likely to align with the values of Home Depot.
Math Test
This is a basic math test which is designed to assess whether you have a general grasp of mathematical principles.
Candidates are shown a number of word and number based problems which they need to answer. You are unlikely to need in-depth knowledge, but there will be occasions when you need to use math skills.
For example, this could be when calculating quantities or counting money. Recruiters will want to be confident that you have the skills required.
Situational Judgment Test
The situational judgment test – or SJT – is a 50-question multiple choice test. You will be asked a variety of questions relating to the workplace and how you would manage situations that may occur.
Personality Test
As the name suggests, this is an assessment of personality. Home Depot recruiters will want to make sure that your personality and priorities align with those of the company.
Making sure that you are likely to be a good fit within the company before employment is offered has been shown to provide better levels of staff satisfaction and improved employee retention.
Other Tests
Around a week after your interview and assessments, you will be contacted with your results. If you have been successful, you will be asked to submit to a drug test and standard background checks.
Alternatively, you may be asked to complete a drug test on the day of your interview.
As long as you pass these tests, you will be invited to an orientation meeting and formally offered a position.
Example Home Depot Test Questions
During your assessments, you will find a variety of questions which are designed to assess your level of education and whether you are likely to have the skills required to work as an employee of Home Depot.
Example Math Questions
1. 350 people apply for tickets to an event, but only 80% are successful. How many people were unable to purchase tickets?
a) 275
b) 280
c) 285
d) 290
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2. A product is usually $2.99, but is available on a seasonal deal for 30% off. How much is the product now?
a) $2.07
b) $2.08
c) $2.09
d) $2.10

1. You would usually finish your shift at 6 p.m., but your manager asks you to stay for an extra 30 minutes, as the store is busy and one of your colleagues is sick. What do you do?
a) Agree to stay, but complain to other colleagues that you’d rather be at home
b) Agree to stay, but explain that you really do have to leave after the extra 30 minutes, as you have plans
c) Say no – your shift is finished and you have plans; it’s not your fault that someone is sick
d) Say yes and cancel your plans as you aren’t sure exactly when you will finish
2. Your usual supervisor is on vacation, and your stand-in supervisor has asked you to work in a different department than usual. Your usual department is busy and switching would mean that they are short-staffed. What do you do?
a) Agree to the change; they are the supervisor and know best
b) Refuse. You aren’t familiar with the new department, and you think you will be better staying where you are
c) Explain that your department is busy and suggest switching between the two throughout the day so that both areas are covered
d) Say that you think switching might leave your usual department short staffed, and ask if they are sure about the switch
1. I work well in a team.
a) Agree
b) Mostly agree
c) Mostly disagree
d) Disagree
2. I am usually late for appointments and events.
a) Agree
b) Mostly agree
c) Mostly disagree
d) Disagree
Typical Interview Questions at Home Depot With Sample Answers
1. Can you give me an example of a time when you have had to solve a problem at work?
When I started working in my last role, we had an issue with customers not being able to find the products that they needed.
The system for placing products around the store didn’t really make sense and even staff members struggled to find things, so I suggested a few changes to my manager.
He agreed and we put a new system in place, which made everything much easier to find. Customers found it much easier to find what they needed, and even if they couldn’t, the colleagues were much more likely to know where things were.
The first thing I would do is find out the nature of their complaint. If it’s something I can resolve myself, I would. If not, I would speak to my team leader or manager to try and find a solution that satisfied the customer.
When I worked in a clothing store, I had a lady come to me looking for a very specific T-shirt. Her daughter had sensory issues and really loved the t-shirt but had outgrown it.
Unfortunately, the design had been discontinued and our store had no stock left. So, I called some other stores in the area and contacted our supplier.
Eventually, I was able to find three T-shirts in different sizes for the customer that her daughter could have.
I wouldn’t say that I am happier either way. I work well as part of a team, but I am equally able to work independently and use my own initiative to get things done.
I would like to think I am, yes. I have had stressful situations in my life and have usually managed to keep calm and find solutions.
There was an occasion in my last workplace when I was acting supervisor for the day. The fire alarm unexpectedly went off. We weren’t scheduled for a drill that day, but an issue with the system meant that it went off.
I had to manage the evacuation of my department, ensuring that colleagues and customers safely left the building. I then had to perform a role call for the staff members of my department and liaise with more senior supervisors and managers before we were allowed back in the store.
7. Sometimes our customers come into the store to look for a part, but they aren’t sure what it is called. How would you handle this?
I would start by asking some questions about what the part is used for, what it looks like and what it does. This will help me to narrow down what it could be that they are looking for.
I would then show the customer some of the options and see if they were what they needed. If I am still unsure, I would find a more knowledgeable colleague and ask them.
8. Occasionally, you might be asked to cover additional shifts or come in for a meeting outside of your usual hours. Is this something that would be difficult?
As long as I have some advance notice, it isn’t usually a problem. I do have some events and commitments with hobbies and family, so I would need notice to rearrange these.
It depends on what the behavior is, I think. I would probably start by raising it with the employee. Sometimes people act out if they are under pressure and don’t understand how their actions are perceived, so speaking to them can help.
If I did this and the behavior continued, I would then report it to a supervisor or HR representative, if necessary.
10. Talk to me about the approach that you would take when dealing with a colleague you don’t get on with?
I don’t have to get on with someone to work with them. In the workplace, I am polite and civil, no matter how much I dislike someone. If I don’t like someone, I simply wouldn’t associate with them outside of work.
How to Prepare for Home Depot Interviews in 2025
Step 1. Research
Research is vital in any job application. Make sure that you research the company you are applying to work for, as well as the role you are hoping to achieve.
This will help you to be prepared if you are asked any questions relating to the company and may give you ideas as to questions that you can ask.
It will also give you an insight into the values of the company and what working there is likely to involve.
Step 2. Dress Appropriately
This might seem a little obvious, but it is important to remember to make a good impression.
One of the first things that an employer will notice about you is the way that you are dressed, so you should make sure to dress smartly.
This doesn’t necessarily have to mean wearing a suit, but it is a good idea to avoid jeans and sneakers.
Step 3. Prepare Some Answers to Typical Interview Questions
Many people find that their minds go blank under pressure. This is why it can be helpful to prepare some answers ahead of your interview.
Even if you aren’t asked exactly the same questions, your prepared answers can often be adapted and may help to provide inspiration to answer the questions you have been asked.
Step 4. Think of Some Questions to Ask
Most recruiters will ask candidates if they have any questions at the end of the interview.
Making sure to prepare one or two questions ahead of your interview can help to show that you are keen and genuinely interested in both the role and the wider company.
Step 5. Arrive Early
Being late doesn’t lead to a favorable first impression. It is always a good idea to arrive 10 minutes early for an interview.
This gives you time to get yourself organized and shows the employer that you are keen. It also shows that you have good timekeeping skills.
Step 6. Make Sure You Have Everything You Need
You should be advised of anything that you need to bring with you, but double check to make sure that you have remembered any documents that you need.
It can sometimes also be helpful to bring a notebook and pen in case you want to note down anything that you are told.
Step 7. Ask if They Have any Concerns
Sometimes, employers will have concerns about your ability to perform a role. This is often if you have a lack of qualifications or experience.
Asking whether interviewers have any concerns can offer you an opportunity to reassure them and highlight your strengths.
Great Questions to Ask a Home Depot Hiring Manager
Towards the end of your interview, you are likely to be asked if you have any questions.
Many people find it difficult to think of questions on the spot, so we recommend that you prepare one or two questions to ask ahead of your interview. Some examples include:
- What is the biggest challenge new hires will face in this role?
- What tips can you provide that would help me to be successful in the first few days?
- Was there anything you discovered while working at Home Depot that shocked or surprised you?
- What are the biggest challenges that Home Depot faces today?
- How is Home Depot planning to tackle their biggest challenges?
- What does a typical day at work look like?
- What traits would you say your top performers have?
Asking questions is a good way of showing that you are keen to learn as much as you can about the company and willing to grow. It can also offer an insight into the workings of the company which you might not have realized before.
Frequently Asked Questions
Generally, no. The process is relatively straightforward and, for most people, it is possible to secure an interview.
However, some of the in-store roles are sought after, and this can lead to high levels of applicants and competition. This is why you need to make sure that you stand out from the crowd with your application and interview.
Typically an in-person interview will take around half an hour. This does vary, however, depending on the answers you give and any questions you may have. It is probably a good idea to allow an hour for your interview so that you aren’t feeling rushed.
Interviewers are usually looking for candidates to exhibit the following skills:
- Good customer service
- An ability and interest in learning and developing new skills
- Adaptability
- Junior high-level math skills
- Good time management
Most people will hear within a few days whether or not they have been successful, but it can take up to a week to hear back.
In most cases, yes. Orientation is offered after the successful completion of interviews, assessments, drug tests and background checks. If you are offered orientation, then it is likely that you will be offered a position.
The Home Depot assessment test is three separate tests that are often offered to candidates. Most people will be asked to complete math and situational judgment tests.
Some people are also asked to complete an additional personality test. All of the assessments are formatted as multiple choice questions and are designed to look at your skills as well as how well you would fit within the company
Final Thoughts
Being prepared for an interview is key to ensuring that you are able to give the best possible first impression and perform to the best of your ability.
Home Depot has a relatively straightforward hiring process and the majority of people find that they are able to complete the process without any issues.
However, following the tips included within this article will help you to stand out from the crowd.