HESI Exam Score Range & Passing Scores – A Complete Overview with Analysis
Updated November 22, 2023
The HESI or Health Education Systems, Inc. Admission Assessment is a test many nursing schools use as part of their entrance processes. Institutions can easily select the best candidates by requiring students to take the exam.
If you are considering studying for a career as a nurse, you may be curious about the assessments and examinations required and how best to prepare for them.
In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the HESI A2 and HESI Exit Exam, including the HESI score range, a typical HESI passing score, and tips for passing the test when you take it.
The HESI A2 and HESI Exit Exam
HESI is an abbreviation covering a range of exams nursing schools use to select candidates for their courses.
However, not everyone will take the same exams. It is important to know which exam you will be required to complete and the differences between them.
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What Is HESI A2?
The HESI A2 or HESI Admissions Assessment Exam is the name given to an exam taken by nursing school applicants ahead of their admission to nursing programs.
Consisting of 326 questions split into eight different sections, individuals will be tested on a range of skills, including:
- English
- Reading comprehension
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Anatomy and physiology
What Is the HESI Exit Exam?
Once students have completed their training programs from nursing school, they may be required to take a further exam, such as the HESI Exit Exam, before graduating.
The HESI Exit Exam is designed to test whether applicants have sufficient skills and knowledge to pass the licensing examinations required for certification before practicing nursing.
How Is the HESI Scored?
If you are taking an HESI exam, it is important to understand how the scores are calculated and what scores are required in order to pass. This can help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as you practice.
Each exam is scored differently, and individual nursing schools will have their own passing score requirements,
HESI A2 scores are translated into a percentage, with scores over 80% generally considered to be above average.
However, each nursing school will set its own requirements for HESI passing scores.
It is important to check the requirements for your preferred nursing school before taking the HESI A2 to know the results you will need to achieve.
HESI Math Scores
The results for the math section of HESI A2 are converted into a percentage, with a score above 75% indicating a passing score.
HESI Vocabulary and General Knowledge Scores
For this section, candidates will need a 75% or above score to pass. Any scores below 75% are likely to be considered insufficient.
HESI Reading Comprehension Scores
The majority of candidates are likely to need a score of above 80% in the reading comprehension section of HESI A2.
Individuals scoring between 75% and 80% will potentially be able to pass but may require additional practice and revision.
HESI Grammar Scores
As with the reading comprehension section, individuals completing grammar tests with a score below 80% are considered to be less likely to pass this part of the HESI A2 exam.
HESI Science Scores
The HESI A2 consists of four separate science assessments, with each one scored individually. In order to pass, candidates will need to achieve a score of above 75%.
HESI Exit Exam Scores
The HESI Exit Exam is scored out of a total of 950. In general terms, the higher the score, the better the result.
In most cases, an HESI Exit Exam score above 850 is considered to be a passing result as it is a good indication that an individual will be able to pass their licensing examinations.
The exact test a candidate will take largely depends on the area of nursing they are hoping to work in. If you plan to enroll in a professional nursing degree, you will be required to pass the HESI RN Exit Exam, which comprises 150 questions.
Alternatively, individuals completing a practical nursing diploma will need to pass the 75-question HESI PN Exit Exam.
What Is the HESI Passing Score?
While a score above 80% is typically considered a good indication for passing the HESI A2 exam, each nursing school will set its own passing scores.
This is why it is important to check the requirements for the nursing school you want to go to.
However, the typical passing score for the HESI Exit Exam will be between 850 and 950 points.
When Are HESI Scores Ready?
In most cases, candidates will be able to see their results immediately upon completing their HESI examinations. Official reports are then available within 24 hours, with a more detailed breakdown of scores and indications for further study or revision.

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How to Improve Your HESI Scores
Step 1. Make Sure You Understand the Test Format
Not understanding the format of the HESI can cost you valuable points and mean that you make errors that you wouldn’t ordinarily make.
Take time to fully understand how the test will be set out, what will be expected of you, and how examiners want questions to be answered.
Step 2. Practice Tests
Practice tests are a valuable tool ahead of any exam. By taking the time to look over sample questions and practice tests, you can identify any areas of weakness and focus your revision efforts.
You will also be able to practice working to a time limit, ensuring that you are able to complete as much of the HESI exam as possible on the day.
Step 3. Familiarise Yourself With the Key Topics
A firm understanding of key topics will give you a broad knowledge base to draw from when taking the test.
You will be able to answer questions more confidently and use your existing knowledge to infer answers for less familiar questions.
Step 4. Create a Study Schedule
Some people find that it is helpful to carve out dedicated time for practice and revision.
A study schedule can help you to identify gaps in your day where you can focus on your upcoming exam without losing valuable family or social time.
Step 5. Rest
While it might be tempting to cram as much information as possible into your head with endless revision sessions, you should never underestimate how important it is to rest before an important test.
Studies have shown that getting enough sleep can help to improve concentration and memory.
A score of 75% would be considered to be borderline for the HESI A2. As the passing requirements vary from institution to institution, checking the exact passing score is a good idea.
For the HESI A2, passing scores are set by each individual nursing school. Generally, candidates will be required to score a minimum of 75-80%.
In order to pass the HESI Exit Exam, individuals will be required to score at least 850 out of a potential 950 points.
In most cases, a score below 75% would not be sufficient to pass. Candidates are generally required to score at least 75% in each section, with some subjects requiring a minimum score of 80%.
The average HESI score is considered to be between 70-75% for the HESI A2, although candidates are likely to be required to score above 80% in order to pass.
For the HESI Exit Exam, a score of 850-900 indicates an average chance of passing licensing examinations. Generally, a score below 850 would be considered to be below average.
This largely depends on which HESI exam you are taking. For the HESI A2, the highest score available is 100%. A passing score is generally between 80% and 100%.
Candidates taking the HESI Exit exam can score a maximum of 950 points.
The HESI Exit Exam and NCLEX have different purposes. The HESI Exit Exam is used to indicate whether or not an individual is likely to pass the NCLEX, whereas the NCLEX is the exam required for licensing.
Candidates scoring above 900 on the HESI Exit Exam are likely to pass the NCLEX.
Final Thoughts
A career in nursing can be incredibly rewarding, but the process of gaining qualifications and licensing typically involves a number of steps and exams.
The HESI A2 exam process helps nursing schools understand the abilities of students, enabling them to select the best possible candidates.
Once students have completed their nursing studies, taking the HESI Exit Exam helps to prepare students for licensing exams.
Learning about the exams you might need to take and how to prepare for them can help you achieve the best possible results, keeping you on track with your career aspirations.